Autumn Blaze Maple
Type: Riparian Species
Height: 75′
Spread: 50′
Hardiness Zone 3
Fall Color: Red Leaf
Preferred Soil Type: Wet and Dry Soils
Exposure Type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: This well-known freemanii Maple has the iconic fiery red fall leaves and vigorous growth rate we all know. It is one of the trees almost every person regardless of tree knowledge has heard of. Most seen in parks and yards with multiple codominant stems it is a wonderful tree that desperately needs our stewardship program to get it off to the right start. Capable of putting on 5-6′ of growth a year as juvenile aggressive pruning will be needed to maintain this tree as it begins to take off. Use this tree to bring rapid shade, beautiful fall color and a reliable specimen.
SITING THIS TREE: It can handle both wet and dry locations but excels in wetter areas where the silver maple root stock can take up lots of water and push topgrowth. In areas with partial shade such as afternoon shade and full morning sun this tree will develop a slightly better branching structure as opposed to the full sun. Furthermore, in some examples where this tree has been planted in nearly full shadeit will have almost a pristine Red Maple branch angle as the forest helps to self-prune this tree. Left to its own devices in the full sun in someone’s yard it will become a multi-stemmed tree with poor branch angles that will tear out in a storm as it reaches a mature height. However, taking care of these trees through our stewardship program and beyond can change the narrative on this tree’s biggest knock of having poor branch structure.
Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
Type: Ornamental Species
Height: 25’
Spread: 15’
Hardiness Zone 3
Fall Color: Orange/Red
Flowers: White Persistent Fruit
Preferred Soil Type: Somewhat Dry to Wet
Exposure type: Full Sun to Full Shade
PLANTING POINTS: This tree has the double whammy with the earliest spring flowers in white before green up and spectacular red fall color! Legacy-Trees’ Parade of Color™ trees provide the perfect tree to kick off the flowering season with flowers in late April followed by the crabapples & pears with the final display coming in june from the Japanese tree lilacs. This is a gorgeous ornamental tree that can be planted in sun or shade which is very unusual for a flowering tree!
SITING THIS TREE: This tree will do a full flower set in full shade legacy loves putting them under the canopy of other trees. Particularly, putting them along the property lines of lake properties and other residential settings where there is a need for summer screening. These trees can handle full sun but based on this tree’s natural habit of living in the shade away from grasses it favors areas with cool, moist root environments. So if you put this tree in full sun make sure it has access to cool areas for the root system to colonize.
Brandywine Red Maple
Type: Upland Species
Height: 50′
Spread: 35′
Hardiness Zone 4
Fall Color: Vibrant Red
Preferred Soil Type: Wet or Dry, cool root system
Exposure type: Full sun to partial shade
PLANTING POINTS: This red maple offers solid branch structure and a moderate growth rate. It has vibrant red fall color hence the Brandywine cultivar name. Being a red maple, this tree is an upland maple primarily.
SITING THIS TREE: For this reason, avoid planting sites that are frequently wet or experience periods of standing water. In well drained rich soils this tree will excel. Particularly if sited with partial shade during the day whether that be in the morning or in the late afternoon. This tree will excel with a balanced level of full sun during the day and some shade to maintain soil moisture. It is moderately tolerant of drought and is more susceptible of being loved to death by overwatering than anything else.
Common Hackberry
Type: Riparian Species
Height: 75’
Spread: 50’
Hardiness Zone 2
Fall Color: Soft Yellow
Preferred Soil Type: Wet to Dry
Exposure Type: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Celtis Occidentalis – Common Hackberry
PLANTING POINTS: The Common Hackberry is an excellent urban tree that has replaced the American Elm in many communities where Elms were previously the dominant tree of the urban canopy. A moderately growing species, this tree has ridged juvenile bark and large spade like leaves. This tree has been a trooper and can handle wet and dry conditions. Growing to a large size at maturity it can do a tremendous amount for the urban canopy and is a go to for highly urban environments such as sidewalk cutouts and parks.
SITING THIS TREE: Tolerant of pollution and salt, it can battle through many soil conditions that others cannot. This tree does have indeterminate growth which means it will continue to put out new growth as juvenile late into the fall.Because of this dead twig and some dieback is common with this tree as a juvenile. Educating customers around this fact will be important as it can be cosmetically unappealing. A low mess tree that does have berries, but they are usually not a much of a cleanup nuisance and do provide food for birds and other small wildlife.
Espresso Kentucky Coffee
Type: Riparian Species
Height: 60′
Spread: 40’
Fall Color: Yellow
Preferred Soil Type: Dry to Partially Wet
Exposure Type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: This is a very interesting tree with compound leaves much like the Honeylocust. It has furrowed bark and interesting canopy architecture with distinct branch angles. A seedless variety with a slow growth habit that excels in full sun but can also be very vigorous in planting situations where it only receives full sun for part of the day. It is slow to branch out as a juvenile where it arrives to Legacy-Trees as a branchless whip. By growing season 3, it should be starting to add branches and structure quickly. Customers should know that it can sometimes be late to break bud but will quickly become one of the more interesting trees on their property. This tree is another star for tolerating urban conditions.
SITING THIS TREE: This tree is another great one for use in urban settings.It tolerates periods of high moisture while being very drought resistant. Because of its ability to handle many different soil conditions, you have a wide range of options for siting this tree.
Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple
Type: Upland Species
Height: 75’
Spread: 50’
Hardiness Zone 3
Fall Color: Orange Leaf
Preferred Soil Type: Well drained fertile soil
Exposure Type: Full/Partial Shade
PLANTING POINTS: The Wisconsin state tree, with a robust yellow to orange fall color. A large statured maple that is fast growing compared to other sugar maple varieties. Dark green summer foliage with high leaf density. The sugar maple is great to grow near a nurse tree as it performs well in the shade from that tree and will not deviate its branch growth to the sun like other maple species.
SITING THIS TREE: Prefers well drained sites with cool soil consistent water and fertility. This tree is a climax species and evolved in forests where its juvenile growth phase was spent in the shade of other trees. Stick to shaded planting areas with cool root zones. Great tree to put in the shaded spot of a dying tree such as a Norway maple to get a jump start on growth before the failing tree comes down. By this time the full sun is no longer a concern after several years. Some branches on the dying tree may need removal as the sugar maple grows.
Prairefire Flowering Crabapple
Type: Ornamental Species
Height: 15′-20′
Spread: 15′
Flowers: Pink
Persistent Fruit
Preferred Soil Type: Well drained/Acidic
Exposure Type: Full sun
PLANTING POINTS: This crab is a partcularily disease resistant selection. Much like other Legacy-Trees selections it was picked for its landscape value and reliability. This crab grows well in many conditions. It does not drop its fruit making it a low maintenance tree. Coupled with its later blooming pink flowers, it keeps the appeal going later into the year for the flowering season.
SITING THIS TREE: Follow similar planting guidelines for any flowering crab. So long as you avoid sites where the soil stays wet for extended periods of time and give this crab full sun you will be rewarded. Combined with our legacy- trees system of planting and aftercare this tree will be a vigorous and eye catching addition to anyone’s yard.
Purple Prince Crabapple
Type: Ornamental
Height: 20′
Spread: 20′
Flowers: Red/Purple Persistent Fruit
Preferred Soil Type: Dry towet, but not persistently wet
Exposure Type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: May brings red/purple flowers covering the entire canopy. Purple/green sumer leaves follow that up all summer. Very disease resistant while also having persistent fruit that will attract wildlife without the mess.
SITING THIS TREE: This is one of the Legacy-Trees’ Parade of Color™ trees for the spring. It flowers between the autumn brilliance serviceberry and the Japanese tree lilac. So plant it where you can see it! Crabapples are quite durable but it is best to keep them out of wet spots that stay wet all year. They perform best in full sun to get maximum flower production. Legacy frequently uses them along property lines to provide summer screening of adjoining properties. This means they might be growing in drainage swales, but I do not consider those wet areas because they are intermittently wet. They also can be partially shaded due to other trees along the border between properties. That is alright as there are no perfect planting spots.
Red Splendor Crabapple
Type: Ornamental
Height: 20-25′
Spread: 20′
Flowers: Pink Persistent Fruit
Preferred Soil Type: Dry to wet but not persistently wet
Exposure Type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: Known for its glossy green leaves, persistent fruit, and pink flowers. The red splendor flowering crabapple will give contrast and color in multiple seasons. Another great member of the Legacy-Trees’ Parade of Color™ trees that will contrast well with the pink flowers and red foliage of the royal raindrops crab.
SITING THIS TREE: Focus on keeping this tree in sites that don’t stay wet. When placing the trees make sure this one in particular isn’t going to have wet feet. If you have 5 of the Legacy-Trees’ Parade of Color™ trees this one should take the second driest spot saving the driest for the Japanese tree lilac which handles it the best.
Royal Raindrops Crabapple
Type: Ornamental
Height: 20’
Spread: 15’
Preferred Soil Type: Slightly acidic / well-drained
Exposure Type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: This crab is known for its vibrant red summer leaf color. Distinct even amongst other similar red leafed crabs such as the gladiator or purple prince crab. Resistant to fireblight, this is another great member of the Legacy-Trees’ Parade of Color™ trees.
SITING THIS TREE: Like other flowering crabs this tree needs full sun ie 8+ hours of direct sunlight a day. Stay close to this range of sun exposure when siting this tree. Flowering crabs do not like wet feet so pick sites that will dry out eventually following a rainfall. These trees can handle sandy soils fairly well so long as they don’t get completely dried out. Find the balance of well drained soil and adequate sun exposure and you can enjoy the show.
Royal Red Norway Maple
Type: Upland Species
Height: 50′
Spread: 35’
Hardiness Zone 4
Fall Color: Brown
Preferred Soil Type: Any soil as long as it’s not too wet
Exposure Type: Full sun to partial shade
PLANTING POINTS: This tree competes in both sandy and clay environments. What makes this tree excel is its adaptiveness to different soil environments. It can be found in frequently wet sites as well as open fields with lots of turf grass that are prone to drought. It is very pollution tolerant making it an exceptional urban tree for the toolbox.Not known for its fall color, this dark maroon to purple leaf will stick out next to the blue sky or other green trees nearby. Where this tree can really help a planting arborists in open fields that get beat down by the sun, we have planted this tree in these settings with no watering regime and found it to grow well with a full healthy canopy. Many other trees could not be healthy without extra watering and support in their establishment years. One downside of this tree as a juvenile is that it is susceptible to tip dieback as a juvenile when winters are mild and rainy. Be aware of this when communicating with customers, this sometimes will require reduction of the central leader but with 5 years under warranty we can get this tree through this phase and established in almost any location.
SITING THIS TREE: Acidic and alkaline soils alike as well as sand and clay. The biggest factor for this tree is getting full sun during the day. However, when grown as an understory tree where it receives more shade it can present a much more balanced canopy with better branch angles but will grow at a slower rate.
Sienna Glenn Maple
Type: Riparian Species
Height: 75′
Spread: 50′
Hardiness Zone 3
Fall Color: Red to Orange Leaf
Preferred Soil Type: Dry to Wet Soils
Exposure Type: Full sun to partial shade
PLANTING POINTS: The Sienna Glen Maple is another freemanii introduction that offers some slight differences from the Autumn Blaze.The largest difference between this tree and the Autumn Blaze is that Sienna Glen has better branch angles than the Autumn Blaze. That being said, it still will need aggressive maintenance when it takes off because it is still a freemanii. It also has a more orange hued fall leaf than the Autumn Blaze. To sum up the Sienna Glen, it’s a better cultivar than Autumn Blaze when it comes to branch angles with a very slightly less vigorous growth rate and an equally beautiful fall color that has a little more orange to it than Autumn Blaze.
SITING THIS TREE: When it comes to sighting this tree, treat it the same as the Autumn Blaze, it can excel with wetter soil conditions than other trees but it also is reliable in drier soils conditions as well.
Skyline Honeylocust
Type: Upland Species
Height: 50′
Spread: 40′
Hardiness Zone 4
Fall Color: Yellow Leaf
Preferred Soil Type: Wet and Dry
Exposure Type: Full sun
PLANTING POINTS: A beautiful shade tree with a moderate growth rate.This tree is one of the champions of high urban environments. Offering high pollution resistance and salt tolerance much like the hackberry, it is a common member of boulevard plantings and sidewalk cutouts. It is a thornless and fruitless cultivar which provides filtered shade that can cool a site without shading out turf grass. At maturity interior branches get shaded out so it will require an arborist to clean up the interior canopy as it reaches a mature size periodically.
SITING THIS TREE: This tree is a terrific urban trooper. It can handle almost anything that is thrown at it from dry to wet soils, high salt levels, and urban pollution. Use it when your options are limited due to stressful urban conditions where providing urban canopy is at a premium.
Snowdance Japanese Tree Lilac
Type: Ornamental Species
Height: 25′
Spread: 25′
Flowers: White Flowers in June
Preferred Soil Type: Wet and Dry
Exposure Type: Full sun preferred
PLANTING POINTS: The last of Legacy-Tree’s Parade of Color™ trees to flower, the Japanese Tree Lilac’s white flowers pop in june. The leaves are dark green with shiny bark and pronounced lenticles for added character year round. Moderate juvenile growth rate. I also love the bark of this tree with a shiny – almost metallic look and pronounced lenticels. Love this tree all year!
SITING THIS TREE: A tough tree that can handle lighter soils and both wet and dry conditions. This truly is a tough tree but please give it full sun whenever you can.
Swamp White Oak
Type: Riparian Species
Height: 50’-60’
Spread: 40’-50’
Hardiness Zone 3
Fall Color: Burnt Orange
Preferred Soil Type: Wet or dry, preferably not dry sand
Exposure type: Full sun
PLANTING POINTS: A riparian oak that is very popular in our urban forests. It has a fairly open canopy with big burly branches that tend to extend horizontally forever! This one grows much faster than Quercus alba – the white oak. The growth rate and form are spectacular. Did I mention the bark exfoliates on the branches fora unique color especially when the sun hits it during the sunrise!
SITING THIS TREE: It is a riparian so it can handle wet areas. Legacy has used this tree in all soil types and moisture levels. Legacy tends to put it in wetter areas and avoids very dry sands. If it has to go in a truly dry site please expand the mulch area and it keep it mulched forever. Put this tree far enough from structures to allow for horizontal branches that can reach lengths of twenty-five feet. One other characteristic to be aware of is the acorn production which can be quite heavy so avoid patio areas and keep it to the edges of the property. If you have deer and squirrels you will have to be quick to find a whole acorn on the ground, but you will find plenty of acorn pieces!
Gladiator Crabapple
Type: Ornamental Species
Height: 20′
Spread: 10’
Flowers: Pink Persistent Fruit
Preferred Soil Type: Dry to Partially wet
Exposure Type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: The stems and leaves are a magnificent purple that is hard to describe. The flowers are pink in May and the persistent fruit attracts all kinds of pollinators and wildlife to these trees! This tree is disease resistant.
SITING THIS TREE: This tree is part of the Parade of Color in the spring. It flowers between the Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry and the Japanese Tree Lilac. Plant this tree where it can be seen for the 1-2 week window of flowering in the spring! Crabapples are durable, but it is best to keep them out of wet spots that stay wet all year. They perform best in full sun to get maximum flower production. Legacy frequently uses crabapples along property lines to provide summer screening of adjoining properties. This means they might be growing in a drainage swale, but Legacy does not consider these wet as they are intermittently wet. They can also be partially shaded due to other trees along the border between properties. That is perfectly fine seeing as though there are no perfect planting spots.
Spring Snow Crabapple
Type: Ornamental
Height: 25’-30’
Spread: 15’
Flowers: White
Preferred Soil Type: Dry to partially wet
Exposure type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: May brings white flowers covering the entire canopy. This is a sterile cultivar which means it flowers but does not form fruit so for the gotta have it neat and tidy crowd, they will love this tree! A fast grower and very disease resistant.
SITING THIS TREE: This is one of the Legacy-Trees’ Parade of Color™ trees for the spring. It flowers between the autumn brilliance serviceberry and the Japanese Tree Lilac. So plant it where you can see it! Crabapples are quite durable but it is best to keep them out of wet spots that stay wet all year. They perform best in full sun to get maximum flower production. Legacy frequently uses them along property lines to provide summer screening of adjoining properties. This means they might be growing in drainage swales but I do not consider those wet areas because they are intermittently wet. They also can be partially shaded due to other trees along the border between properties. That is alright as there are no perfect planting spots.
Triumph Elm
Type: Riparian Species
Hardiness Zone 4
Height: 60′
Spread: 60′
Fall Color: Yellow
Preferred Soil Type: Wet or Dry
Exposure Type: Full sun
PLANTING POINTS: A beautiful hybrid elm with a vigorous growth rate. Under ideal conditions with ample soil moisture it can add 6 feet of growth per year as juvenile. Requires frequent stewardship pruning to train this tree into maturity. Early on in its life it will display the classic vase like shape we all love. This is Legacy’s favorite hybrid elm cultivar for its reliability. Avoid open turf areas when possible as Japanese beetles will go after this tree. Furthermore as part of diversity we do not like to plant pure stand of these trees as DED is never out of the question despite this cultivars high resistance. A good pairing with this tree is the Hackberry which has a similar matureform. Due to this cultivars form and twisted grain wood branch breakage usually results in branch hinging instead of breaking completely off. This makes it a safer selection than some other species of its size.
SITING THIS TREE: This tree can handle wet and dry soil conditions but will excel in planting sites where water is prevalent. It can handle periods of standing water and will grow vigorously if given enough soil moisture. Very tolerant of urban pollution and salt. It is a great urban tree in boulevards where space allows for it.
Sunburst Honey Locust
Type: Upland Species
Height: 35′
Spread: 35′
Hardiness Zone 4
Fall Color: Yellow Leaf
Preferred Soil Type: Wet or Dry/ Acidic or Alkaline
Exposure Type: Full Sun
PLANTING POINTS: Another Honey Locust cultivar that is an urban trooper. It is a medium sized honey locust variety allowing it to fit in tighter spaces than Skyline Honey Locust. The main draw of this tree is its vibrant yellow leaves. As a juvenile this yellow leaf will be all summer long. As this tree reaches maturity it will start the year yellow but eventually during the summer will eventually transition back to green leaves.
SITING THIS TREE: Much like Skyline Honey Locust, this tree is an urban trooper and treats it very similar to that when selecting a planting site.